Baltimore, Maryland

These five pictures are all from my trip at Baltimore, Maryland. I have included two photos that were from a family vacation in Washington, DC.  I really enjoyed the short trip in Baltimore, Maryland because it is a friendly, calm and relaxing city with a ton of different places around the city, i.e. restaurants and iconic sights like Bubba Gump and Hard Rock Cafe restaurants. I have visited Washington, DC many times and I have two cousins and extremely friendly parents that live east of Washington, DC. I really enjoyed the new Holocaust Museum and other new sights around the city. The main reason why the Holocaust Museum was the main thing that I enjoyed during this trip was because of how the story was developed during WWII with the Germans torturing the Polish, burning of the books, Hitler torturing the Polish and then the Auschwitz Holocaust concentration camps. It was really emotional when I listened to the satanic story of Hitler’s army torturing, murdering and burning Jewish civilians. I even saw an entire section that had photos of Jewish prisoners who were held captive at the concentration camp posted on multiple walls. Survivors of the Aushwitz concentration camp told their story of when they were held captive by the German militants. Some visitors of the museum weren’t able to bare themselves from this satistic story in a concentration camp and what happened to the Jews. It was extremely moving when the museum displayed the prisoner’s shoes, clothes, stories, letters to their friends, family, etc.


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