My First Trip to Chicago, Illinois

Since this weekend is my first time experiencing Chicago, Illinois, I really enjoyed my time experiencing the city life of the Wind City. I never knew the metro train that travels periodically from the airport to multiple areas in Chicago was the most efficient in regards to transportation. When I entered the train, the train brought back some memories of two movies, i.e. Spiderman movie with Tobey Maguire and the Dark Knight movie with Christian Bale. I really enjoyed entering a city that is enriched with history both in the entertainment industry and in the NBA when Michael Jordan was playing with the Chicago Bulls. Most of the buildings were old with European architecture and ancient carvings on the facade of the buildings, i.e. the library and other buildings scattered throughout the city.  I’m a Michael Jordan basketball fan and I always have deep respect for him as a basketball player who revolutionized the game of basketball. When I was walking around Chicago, there was an African American dude dressed as a panda bear. He was asking people for a $1 to take a photo with him, however I offered him $5. He said he didn’t expect someone to give him $5 and said that I can take as many photos with him. The panda bear and his gorilla friend were both dancing to music, which immediately created a sense of attention from the locals. I had the opportunity to dine in Michael Jordan’s Steakhouse near the hotel and I saw some ancient artifacts that were part of Jordan’s career with the Bulls. Even though the environment was a fine dining, I was able to enjoy a really delicious steak with several other ingredients included with the dinner. The main reason I was traveling to Chicago, Illinois was to attend a convention known as the National Restaurant Association (NRA) with millions of nationwide food distributors, suppliers and vendors for one weekend only. As I was viewing the millions of different worldwide companies, I was able to experience and taste different edible samples from every single vendor that wanted to advertise their business. I was able to meet new vendors that were associated with Chin’s Import Export and some new vendors, i.e. UpTime, Uber Eats and a salmon vendor that was providing free salmon shirts. I really enjoyed learning about how the vendors were marketing their products to the public and how those products can be useful for any business. There were several vendors advertising menu display boards that people can use to compose their to go orders from any restaurant, however the markup price is really expensive. So, we had to dine with his friends at a local Chinese restaurant in the run down Chinatown of Chicago, Illinois. I was able to visit the Great Lakes of Chicago, Illinois with a bunch of sail boats parked at a deck near downtown Chicago and some other famous attractions. When I was walking around downtown Chicago, I noticed there were blue and white rental bikes parked at different locations throughout the city. The name of the biking company is called Divvy Bikes. The way how Divvy Bikes functions is an individual will have to create a membership with Divvy Bikes and purchase an annual membership or a 24 hour pass from any Divvy Station scattered throughout the city. Once they have completed the annual membership application, then the Annual Member will receive a certain bike key in the mail. Next, the Annual Member will use their key to unlock the slot at any station with multiple available bikes. If the Annual Member purchases a 24-Hour Pass, then they are given a code to input into a dock to unlock any available bike. The Annual Member will have an unlimited 30 minute trip for the duration of their Membership or Pass. Once the Annual Member is completed with their run, then they will look the bike back to any station. They will have to wait until they see a green light to ensure the safety of the bicycle. If you are interested in riding for 30 unlimited minutes around the Wind City of Chicago, Illinois, then visit this link- I should have used Divvy Bikes, however I didn’t have an Annual Membership or a key to unlock the rental bikes scattered throughout the city. I hope Divvy Bikes becomes available worldwide and alter the usability of alternative transportation for the future. I wouldn’t mind to visit Chicago for a second time and hopefully visit more attractions scattered throughout the city.

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