My Favorite College PSU and their Iconic Academic Culture

Portland State University has been considered as the main place where I was able to take away the pain that I suffered when I was in high school. I was able to meet a vast majority of college students, faculty, staff and alumni who all have a dedication to PSU, serving in their community and outreach their skills to help the people in need. When I first started my college days at PSU, I was unaware of the community, services and how PSU helps their students with outreach activities. I was able to understand those type of services by enrolling in college-credit classes that were targeted towards my major and minor, which is Communication and Media Studies plus a minor in Environmental Sustainability. During my educational career at PSU, I was able to get involved with two groups, one was a fraternity and another a college Christian group called InterVarsity. These particular school groups were really friendly and I was able to open myself by meeting new PSU students. I was totally shocked when I realized one of my high school friends was a member of the fraternity on campus. Some of the best memories that I can remember when I was at PSU was attending my first PSU Men’s Basketball game at the local gym, throwing pies at frat members, eating lunch with IV members, etc. I also remember recording a video for a school project at my friend’s apartment, which was 5 minutes away from the Park Blocks. The video was for a Marketing class and recording the video was hilarious, but in a fun way. As I was pursuing my Sustainability minor, I was able to fully understand how we have to appreciate the type of society we all live in, i.e. water quality, efficient recycling useless waste, alternative transportation, eco-friendly environments and charging stations for fully electric vehicles. I was offered the opportunity to visit several water sewage plants, i.e. Powell Butte National Park, Tyron Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant, etc for the Portland Water Bureau PSU Senior Capstone. It was a great opportunity to get away from learning in class with textbooks and be able to learn about the water filtration system so it will be drinkable for millions of  Oregonians in Portland. I always enjoy attending the yearly PSU State of Mind,which is a yearly celebration with vendors like Red Bull, Monster, Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream and also PSU. I will always cherish all of those great memories forever and continue to visit my favorite colleagues. I always enjoy how PSU has been solely dedicated to let their students become involved with their community through the Senior Capstones and also through other community outreach activities, while focusing on their main title, “Let Knowledge Serve the City”. Portland State University has always been my home to meet new people and also socialize with my colleagues. I will remember all of the great memories that I have experienced at PSU for many years to come.

During this weekend, Portland State University honored a certain English Professor  known as Professor Tony Wolk who has been teaching Freshman Inquiry English program ever since 1965. He has been famous for riding his bike that he has been trekking ever since he started teaching at PSU. He enjoys baking bread, play tennis and other activities that keeps him involved with the PSU community. Wolk has been awarded for the 50-year length of service award. He also enjoys teaching about Dante and Shakespeare during his English class before teaching about the Renaissance in 1965. I wish him congratulations on his achievement and I hope his students and alumni remember some good college memories while being enrolled in his class.


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